Henrietta Lacks的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括價格和評價等資訊懶人包

Henrietta Lacks的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦(美)麗貝卡·思科魯特寫的 永生的海拉:改變人類醫學史的海拉細胞及其主人的生命故事 和Wadman, Meredith的 The Vaccine Race: Science, Politics, and the Human Costs of Defeating Disease都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks | 誠品線上也說明:The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks:觀念平台-從病患取出的組織屬於醫院?2011-02-16中國時報【潘震澤】距今六十年前,美國巴爾的摩市一位年方三十、已生育五個 ...

這兩本書分別來自廣西師範大學 和所出版 。

遠東科技大學 行銷與流通管理系碩士班 柴康偉、陳淑慧所指導 翁貞如的 訊息框架與時間框架對社會企業產品購買意圖之影響—以道德意識為干擾因素 (2021),提出Henrietta Lacks關鍵因素是什麼,來自於社會企業、訊息框架、時間框架、道德意識、購買意圖。

而第二篇論文臺北醫學大學 醫學人文研究所碩士班 蕭玫凱所指導 蔣承憲的 Stem Cell Scientists' Perceptions of the Field and the Teaching of Stem Cell Research and Therapy: A Study from Northern Taiwan (2021),提出因為有 perceptions、stem cell research and therapy、medical education、bioethics、boundary object、promissory capital的重點而找出了 Henrietta Lacks的解答。

最後網站Henrietta Lacks' 'Immortal' Cells | Science - Smithsonian ...則補充:Who was Henrietta Lacks? She was a black tobacco farmer from southern Virginia who got cervical cancer when she was 30. A doctor at Johns ...


除了Henrietta Lacks,大家也想知道這些:


為了解決Henrietta Lacks的問題,作者(美)麗貝卡·思科魯特 這樣論述:

她叫海瑞塔?拉克斯(Henrietta Lacks),但科學家們只知道「海拉」(HeLa)。她是美國南方的貧窮煙農,在她的黑奴祖先世代耕種的土地上生活。她患宮頸癌后,腫瘤細胞被醫生取走,並成為醫學史上首例經體外培養而「永生不死」的細胞,解開了癌症、病毒、核輻射如何影響人體的奧秘,促成了體外受精、克隆技術、基因圖譜等無數醫學突破,涉及幾乎所有醫學研究領域,並貢獻多個諾貝爾獎。她的細胞是無價之寶,但是她的家人卻毫不知情地生活在貧困中,海瑞塔·拉克斯的名字也無人知曉。當二十年後她的女兒驚聞她還「活著」時,驚恐萬狀、哀痛欲絕:幾十年來科學家都把她關在地下室做實驗嗎?像《侏羅紀公園》里那樣把她克隆了嗎?

她的細胞在核實驗中被炸碎她會感到痛嗎? 美國作家麗貝卡?思科魯特耗時十年挖掘這段跨越近一個世紀的精彩歷史,記述拉克斯一家如何用一生的時間來接受海拉細胞的存在,以及這些細胞永生的科學原理,揭開人體實驗的黑暗過去,探討醫學倫理和身體組織所有權的法律問題,以及其中的種族和信仰問題。本書細膩地捕捉了科學發現中的動人故事,及其對個體的深遠影響。本書出版之後,在外界的捐贈下,家人終於為海瑞塔樹立了墓碑,碑上鐫刻著「永生的海拉細胞,將永遠造福人類」,對海拉細胞為人類做出的貢獻進行了完美註解。 本書已被翻譯成二十多種語言,並被美國HBO公司改編為電影,奧普拉·溫弗瑞傾情主演,獲艾美獎、美國評論家選擇獎等多

項提名。 麗貝卡·思科魯特(Rebecca Skloot),美國科學作家,曾任美國國家公共電台(NPR)《電台實驗室》節目和美國公共廣播公司(PBS)《科學新星》節目記者,《大眾科學》雜誌特約編輯。 她先後獲得生物學學士學位和非虛構創造性寫作碩士學位,曾任美國國家圖書評論協會(National Book CriticsCircle)副主席,在孟菲斯大學、匹茲堡大學、紐約大學等校教授寫作課程。《永生的海拉》是她的處女作,出版後旋即登上《紐約時報》和亞馬遜暢銷榜第一名。 在本書出版之前,麗貝卡·思科魯特建立了海瑞塔·拉克斯基金會,以幫助為科學研究做出貢獻而未獲得補償

的人,特別是在不知情的情況下被用於科研的個人。作者將把從本書中獲得的部分收入捐獻給該基金會。 譯者簡介: 劉暘(桔子),畢業於北京大學,後於芝加哥大學取得分子、遺傳及細胞生物學博士學位,科學寫作者、記者,科學松鼠會成員,果殼網COO助理。與他人合著出版《當彩色的聲音嘗起來是甜的》、《一百種尾巴或一千張葉子》、《冷浪漫》等作品,另有譯作《共情時代》等。 前言 照片中的女人 黛博拉的話 【第一部 生命】 01 檢查(1951) 02 克洛弗(1920—1942) 03 診斷和治療(1951) 04 海拉細胞的誕生(1951) 05 “黑色已經在我身體裡擴散得到處都是了”(

1951) 06 “有個女的來電話了”(1999) 07 細胞培養的生與死(1951) 08 “痛苦的病人”(1951) 09 特納車站(1999) 10 鐵道的另一側(1999) 11 “疼痛之魔”(1951) 【第二部 死亡】 12 暴風雨(1951) 13 海拉工廠(1951—1953) 14 海倫·拉恩(1953—1954) 15 “她在你不記事的時候就死了”(1951—1965) 16 “永遠待在一起”(1999) 17 違背法理,違背倫理,可悲可歎(1954—1966) 18 “詭異的雜交”(1960—1966) 19 “現在就是地球上最關鍵的時刻”(1966—1973) 20

海拉炸彈(1966) 21 暗夜醫生(2000) 22 “她應得的名譽”(1970—1973) 【第三部 永生不死】 23 “它還活著”(1973—1974) 24 “至少他們該承認她的功勞”(1975) 25 “誰允許你賣我的脾臟?”(1976—1988) 26 侵犯隱私(1980—1985) 27 永生不死的秘密(1984—1995) 28 倫敦之後(1996—1999) 29 海瑞塔村(2000) 30 紮卡裡亞(2000) 31 海拉,死亡女神(2000—2001) 32 “那全是我媽媽”(2001) 33 黑人瘋人院(2001) 34 病歷(2001) 35 靈魂淨化(2001)

36 天上的形體(2001) 37 “沒什麼好怕的”(2001) 38 通往克洛弗的漫漫長路(2009) 他們如今身在何處 關於海瑞塔·拉克斯基金會 人物表 時間線 後記 致謝 注釋  


為了解決Henrietta Lacks的問題,作者翁貞如 這樣論述:

本研究以實驗法探討訊息框架與時間框架如何影響消費者對社會企業產品的購買意圖,以道德意識作為干擾因素。本研究採取二因子受試者間實驗設計,操弄時間框架(長期/短期)、訊息框架(正向/負向),共形成四種實驗情境(2×2)。時間框架與訊息框架為自變項,消費者道德意識為干擾變項,本研究所探討的應變項為購買意圖。本研究結果顯示: 一、短期時間框架比起長期時間框架,在提升消費者對於社會企業產品的購買意圖上有影響效果。二、消費者的道德意識對於社會企業產品的購買意圖有顯著正相關。三、根據研究分析顯示,消費者的道德意識與正負向訊息框架與長短期時間框架對購買意願的影響無顯著差異。四、在四種廣告文案中,我們獲得重要

結論: 「正向訊息搭配短期訊息所組成的平面廣告會產生最顯著的購買意圖」。本研究的發現豐富了有關消費者購買公益慈善屬性之社會企業商品意願的研究領域,並提供了具備理論基礎的建議。

The Vaccine Race: Science, Politics, and the Human Costs of Defeating Disease

為了解決Henrietta Lacks的問題,作者Wadman, Meredith 這樣論述:

"A real jewel of science history...brims with suspense and now-forgotten catastrophe and intrigue...Wadman's smooth prose calmly spins a surpassingly complicated story into a real tour de force."--The New York Times"Riveting . . . The Vaccine Race] invites comparison with Rebecca Skloot's 2007 The

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks."--Nature The epic and controversial story of a major breakthrough in cell biology that led to the conquest of rubella and other devastating diseases. Until the late 1960s, tens of thousands of American children suffered crippling birth defects if their mothers had b

een exposed to rubella, popularly known as German measles, while pregnant; there was no vaccine and little understanding of how the disease devastated fetuses. In June 1962, a young biologist in Philadelphia, using tissue extracted from an aborted fetus from Sweden, produced safe, clean cells that a

llowed the creation of vaccines against rubella and other common childhood diseases. Two years later, in the midst of a devastating German measles epidemic, his colleague developed the vaccine that would one day wipe out homegrown rubella. The rubella vaccine and others made with those fetal cells h

ave protected more than 150 million people in the United States, the vast majority of them preschoolers. The new cells and the method of making them also led to vaccines that have protected billions of people around the world from polio, rabies, chicken pox, measles, hepatitis A, shingles and adenov

irus. Meredith Wadman's masterful account recovers not only the science of this urgent race, but also the political roadblocks that nearly stopped the scientists. She describes the terrible dilemmas of pregnant women exposed to German measles and recounts testing on infants, prisoners, orphans, and

the intellectually disabled, which was common in the era. These events take place at the dawn of the battle over using human fetal tissue in research, during the arrival of big commerce in campus labs, and as huge changes take place in the laws and practices governing who "owns" research cells and

the profits made from biological inventions. It is also the story of yet one more unrecognized woman whose cells have been used to save countless lives. With another frightening virus--measles--on the rise today, no medical story could have more human drama, impact, or urgency than The Vaccine Race

. Meredith Wadman has covered biomedical research politics from Washington for twenty years. She is a reporter at Science and has written for Nature, Fortune, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. A graduate of Stanford and Columbia, she began medical school at the University of British

Columbia and completed her medical degree as a Rhodes scholar at the University of Oxford.

Stem Cell Scientists' Perceptions of the Field and the Teaching of Stem Cell Research and Therapy: A Study from Northern Taiwan

為了解決Henrietta Lacks的問題,作者蔣承憲 這樣論述:

Research into stem cells and the biomedical potential of developing stem cell therapies are currently crucial topics in biomedicine, politics, and economics. In Taiwan, the government is pushing the development of a biotech hub, with research and development in stem cells being a niche. This i

nitiative has partly led to the high standard of stem cell research (SCR) that is developing in Taiwan, and the government's push to expedite the approval of new cell therapies. In line with what has long been the global trend, a limited number of stem cell therapies, such as bone marrow transplants

had already become standard practice in Taiwanese medical facilities before the implementation of the "Regulations Governing the Application or Use of Specific Medical Techniques or Examinations, or Medical Devices." Despite the pressure to expand this biotech field, little is known about local

stem cell scientist-educators’ (scientists who conduct research and teach classes on stem cells) perceptions of this professional field. As an emerging field with most policy-making still highly dependent on stem cell scientists as consultants (partly due to a shortage of suitable technocrats), it

is important to explore scientist-educators’ perceptions outside of the formal setting of expert advisory committee meetings. Through eleven semi-structured interviews with educators working in the field of stem cell research and therapy who also teach on the subject matter, this qualitative study e

xplores instructors’ perceptions of stem cell research, therapy, and education in Taiwan, and discusses the factors shaping instructors’ perceptions and their decisions of how and what to teach. Themes identified from the interviews using grounded theory include: (1) awareness of and personal in

sights into the complexities and framings around SCR/T in Taiwan; (2) prioritizing the teaching of objective, scientific facts and the complexity of real-world applications; (3) evaluating government initiatives, and (4) IRB, ethics, and regulations in regards to doing good science. This thesis cont

ributes to the fields of the sociology of medical science and technology, medical education, bioethics and public policy. Specifically, it adapts the concepts of boundary objects, boundary-spanning roles, boundary-work and situatedness as lenses through which to decipher how scientist-educators navi

gate between their perceptions of what constitutes “good science” and “meaningful ethics” in their practice of expectational/promissory capital-filled SCR/T. These concepts help make sense of the relatedness among scientist-educators’ perceptions, decisions, conduct and interactions with other bound

ary objects. Taken together, these findings shall be useful if consolidated and taken into consideration for future policy planning, curricular design and public outreach (efforts in the popularization of science).